Saturday, August 9, 2014

Grow to Maturity

As you mature in your journey walking with lupus, you learn how to laugh instead of cry. You learn to replace your anger with determination to see the day through. You begin to wipe the sweat from your brow and take a deep breath and work to fight harder in the next moment.

As you mature in living with lupus,  You realize it's your nemesis that you will have to battle constantly with your super powers. Your pity parties focusing on the pain become grand celebrations of overcoming in your day. Your speech changes from,"whoa is me, why me?" To, "try me and watch me fight back!"

Maturity in being a lupus warrior doesn't get upset when one is ignorant to what they deal with and go through daily. They just spread the awareness and work on being well in spite of a person's lack of education. 

Maturity in the lupus journey doesn't come easy and is a constant practice.  It is something to strive for always as you fight for your life. It's okay to go through stages of maturity in your lupus walk. Be mindful that it will not always be easy and sometimes you will have to fight with all of your might.

Remember, maturity is an attitude that is built by experience and nurtured with self love.  No matter how mature we get in our walk with lupus we always have room to grow while battling lupus and help others do the same.

~Lupus In Color~

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