Thursday, August 7, 2014

Being Better

Sometimes people say to a lupus warrior, "oh, I hope you feel better..." I'm so appreciative of those words and wish if only it was that easy.

That lupus would just go away like a cold or be managed like the flu. Wait seven days take these antibiotics and wait it out type of deal. That lupus would be flushed out with some extra water, a cough drop and some chicken soup; and viola all better.

That type of lupus doesn't exist.  Yes, we as a lupus warrior have good days and we can make it easier to handle by creating a better attitude about it, but I'm not sure we ever feel "better." Simply because we are in a constant fight to be better in the pain that gets worse. So, feeling better in a sense is kind of foreign to us, even when our bodies do better.

Just a thought though for lupus warriors.... you don't have to feel better to BE better in the fight for your life. When you get the "I hope you feel better," take it for what it's worth and work on being better to self in spite of what lupus tries to make worse.  There is a difference in feeling better and being better!

~Lupus In Color~

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